My favorite memory this year:

My favorite memory this year:

It's hard to pick a favorite memory with you because you make the mundane feel so special. One of the silly fond memories I have is learning troye Sivan dances in your apartment. It obviously feels smaller but just the amount we were laughing and having fun it reminds me of how I can really just do anything with you and be myself.

Something I'm looking forward to:

Something I'm looking forward to:

I really hope this next year we get to do more silly day trips like going to the gun range. Like that weird food court buffet thing you were talking to me about in the car ride home. I'll make sure to play Justin Timberlake again.

My favorite memory this year:

It's hard to pick a favorite memory with you because you make the mundane feel so special. One of the silly fond memories I have is learning troye Sivan dances in your apartment. It obviously feels smaller but just the amount we were laughing and having fun it reminds me of how I can really just do anything with you and be myself.

Something I'm looking forward to:

I really hope this next year we get to do more silly day trips like going to the gun range. Like that weird food court buffet thing you were talking to me about in the car ride home. I'll make sure to play Justin Timberlake again.